Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Astrid Harris, Author Of Unstoppable Confidence, Discusses How To Develop Self Confidence

October 26, 2009 | Dallas, Texas | Vetting explained

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Astrid Harris, author of Unstoppable Confidence, will be appearing on Authors Web TV through October 12, 2010.

All people share common fears and challenges. From fear to depression, anxiety to a simple lack of confidence, these issues know no personal boundaries. They affect all people, from schoolchildren to business owners, from mom to corporate executives. The development of self confidence is a subject that is not taught in schools, but must rather be developed through life experience or training.

Astrid Harris has recently released Unstoppable Confidence. The book provides six breakthrough steps to help build self-confidence using case studies, exercises, assignments and empowering techniques.

“I wrote this book,” stated Ms. Harris, “to help people overcome negative feelings, to empower their actions by overcoming self defeating attitudes and change thinking patterns that limited the possibility of achievement."

Unstoppable Confidence provides information regarding how to develop a ‘Confidence Role Model’ to learn how others approach life and to model that in our own lives. It also details why a strong inner belief system is vital in building self confidence and clearly details strategies to overcome negative messages, whether those message come from ourself or from others. The key to developing self confidence lies in the choices we make.

“Today,” stated Ms. Harris, “having a high level of self confidence is imperative. People are trying so hard to keep their jobs or find new ones without depleting savings and avoiding financial ruin. These are all very powerful adversaries that can beat down someone's self confidence and self-worth."”

Unstoppable Confidence is available in both hardcover and e-book formats at the author’s website, and Barnes and Noble.. Ms. Harris is available for interview and can be contacted by email at

Astrid Harris was born, raised and educated in Europe, studying law. As a successful life coach and motivator, Astrid Harris has a unique gift to help people break through barriers that limit their self-confidence in order to lead the life they want.

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