nose for sniffing out the level of confidence in the people around us.
When a person with a great deal of confidence walks into the room,
people are automatically attracted to the sweet smell of success.
Confidence and success are associated with one another because where
there is confidence, success is usually not far behind. You have never
bought an expensive item from a salesperson who was not quite sure
about the product or her role as the peddler. Nor would you ever jump
out of a plane with a guide who was wafering in his ability. The same
is true for every situation in life. It is your job to convince the
people around you to believe in you and if you are not quite convinced
yourself, no one else will be either.
Say you're walking into a networking cocktail party where you don't
know many people in the room. It is so easy to wrap yourself up in
your comfort cocoon near the appetizers and wait for someone to come
up to you. But what's the point? You might get a pity visit from a
passer-by but you certainly will not have earned any leads or
networking opportunities. Now, walk into that same room with your
shoulders back, your head held high and your eyes scanning the room
making eye contact with as many people as you can. Flash that knowing
smile that says "I'll be over to introduce myself". Your confident
scent has been unleashed in the room and people are noticing. Make
your way around the room and mingle, relate and get the contacts you
came for.
Now, think of every room you walk into as a social networking cocktail
party where you are on the prowl for contacts and opportunities. You
never know where you will meet your next big break. There are unknown
and unexpected opportunities out there that will never present
themselves to the lone ranger standing in the corner wishing they had
the guts to be that person bouncing around "working the room".
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