From "Fear" into "Self-confidence" During these turbulent economic times, are you finding it harder to keep self-confident? My name is Astrid Harris. I have a unique and very affordable solution to change a "fear" mindset into a "confident" one. You won't even have to leave your living room to get access to this very special experience to more Unstoppable Confidence. The Choice is Yours!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Confidence is a Tool
confidence is simply a tool we utilize to get a job done. When you are
consciously improving your level of confidence and improving your self-
image, you are preparing yourself for situations where it will require
you to interact and socialize which can lead to networking
opportunities. Even a person who does not feel they have a problem
with self-confidence needs to constantly be looking for ways to
sharpen their abilities.
In today's society, there is more competition than ever to be the
best, be the brightest and be in demand. Before you go to an
interview, a networking event or even a friend's cocktail party, you
need to prepare your mind for the conversation and the questions you
will likely face. When you bring these thoughts to your mind's
forefront, you are more likely to say just the right thing or bring up
an important point at just the right time. Don't be afraid to coach
yourself every time you face these situations. This will give you the
edge you are seeking. Envision how the event will go before it
happens. Be mindful to consider the people you are speaking with and
listen just as much as you speak and remember the details about your
contacts in order to use them when you meet again. You never know who
could turn out to be a real ally. Never snub or ignore someone just
because they do not appear to be able to do anything for you. This is
just bad Karma!
When you walk into the room you should exude confidence that is
tangible to the people around you. Ask the pertinent questions, work a
meaningful conversation and most of all think before you speak. Always
ask for a business card if you have had a good encounter with someone.
You never know when it could come in very handy. Constantly seek to
sharpen your confidence tool and never end the quest to find new ones.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Astrid Harris, Author Of Unstoppable Confidence, Discusses How To Develop Self Confidence
October 26, 2009 | Dallas, Texas | Vetting explained
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Astrid Harris, author of Unstoppable Confidence, will be appearing on Authors Web TV through October 12, 2010.
All people share common fears and challenges. From fear to depression, anxiety to a simple lack of confidence, these issues know no personal boundaries. They affect all people, from schoolchildren to business owners, from mom to corporate executives. The development of self confidence is a subject that is not taught in schools, but must rather be developed through life experience or training.
Astrid Harris has recently released Unstoppable Confidence. The book provides six breakthrough steps to help build self-confidence using case studies, exercises, assignments and empowering techniques.
“I wrote this book,” stated Ms. Harris, “to help people overcome negative feelings, to empower their actions by overcoming self defeating attitudes and change thinking patterns that limited the possibility of achievement."
Unstoppable Confidence provides information regarding how to develop a ‘Confidence Role Model’ to learn how others approach life and to model that in our own lives. It also details why a strong inner belief system is vital in building self confidence and clearly details strategies to overcome negative messages, whether those message come from ourself or from others. The key to developing self confidence lies in the choices we make.
“Today,” stated Ms. Harris, “having a high level of self confidence is imperative. People are trying so hard to keep their jobs or find new ones without depleting savings and avoiding financial ruin. These are all very powerful adversaries that can beat down someone's self confidence and self-worth."”
Unstoppable Confidence is available in both hardcover and e-book formats at the author’s website, and Barnes and Noble.. Ms. Harris is available for interview and can be contacted by email at
Astrid Harris was born, raised and educated in Europe, studying law. As a successful life coach and motivator, Astrid Harris has a unique gift to help people break through barriers that limit their self-confidence in order to lead the life they want.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Negativity Buster
you would wind up in a mental institution within a week! Naturally, we
all have a filter that enables us to block out the unpleasant things
we encounter each day. We may see a sad story on the news or catch
wind of a friend's misfortune without it getting us down and ruining
the day. But there are negative influences that we do let affect us on
some level without even knowing it.
For example, maybe you were planning on completing an art project but
the sales clerk at the craft store told you about how hard it was to
do. Maybe that led you to feel like its just not worth attempting
leaving a good idea untried. Sometimes the power of suggestion can be
so strong that you could lose confidence in yourself. This is just one
example among many of things that lead to the same conclusion.
Blocking negative outcomes is achieved by blocking the process that
leads to it by manipulating the things we have power over. Of course
we can not control everything that we hear and see but we can limit
things that we know to be prohibitive to positivity. If you know that
every time you go to lunch with Kathy, you eat way too much and end up
skipping the gym, then maybe you ought to ask Kathy to a walk in the
park with the dogs or a quick happy hour drink.
Next, control the way you think about the negativity that enters your
psyche. You can't help thinking the bad thoughts but try to make a
habit of following them up with a positive thought. This takes some
getting used to but eventually becomes a habit. I have a friend who
is a professional golfer and every time he tells himself, "don't hit
it in the water" of course this is the first thing he does. Why is
that? Because the water was the last thought in his mind before he
engaged the golf club. Now, when he thinks those thoughts, he tells
himself. "You will hit the fairway (or green)". Now, the last thought
in his head is of a nice shot. It has really made a difference.
Lastly, don't let the negative thoughts and stimuli get into your head
and spoil your plans and your day. If you can't control it, try hard
to fill your mind with positive thoughts. If Joe, your best friend,
has lost his grandmother and is really upset, tell yourself that all
you can do is be a good friend and fill him with hope. Letting it take
you down will not bring her back, instead convert the negative into
positive and find joy wherever it is. Joe will thank you for it.
conquering the negativity in everyday activities will make you a
happier person and keep you on track to achieve your goals. Keep your
eye on what you want every single day.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Finding Daily Motivation
a steady pace, keep your mind focused and try to dig deep to find the
motivation to finish.
Where do we find motivation? Motivation is something that must be
consciously sought out. Its not something that always falls into your
lap. In your everyday life sparks of genius are in every mundane task
if you are open to it. Different people are affected differently by
outside stimuli so you need to find the thing that makes your clock
tick. Some people like to read stories about people who do courageous
things, some like to keep motivational thought calendars on their
desks, others like to sit and meditate. Whatever it is you need to
think about where it will come from today. Make it your mission to
find something every single day to inspire you to do the things that
will bring you one day closer to your goals.
Every day that you accomplish something in line with your goals is a
productive day. Its easy to make excuses but you are more likely to
get the job done if you are seeking out motivation and finding it
every single day. So make it your continual mission, you can rest once
all of your aspirations are fulfilled!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Owning The Room
nose for sniffing out the level of confidence in the people around us.
When a person with a great deal of confidence walks into the room,
people are automatically attracted to the sweet smell of success.
Confidence and success are associated with one another because where
there is confidence, success is usually not far behind. You have never
bought an expensive item from a salesperson who was not quite sure
about the product or her role as the peddler. Nor would you ever jump
out of a plane with a guide who was wafering in his ability. The same
is true for every situation in life. It is your job to convince the
people around you to believe in you and if you are not quite convinced
yourself, no one else will be either.
Say you're walking into a networking cocktail party where you don't
know many people in the room. It is so easy to wrap yourself up in
your comfort cocoon near the appetizers and wait for someone to come
up to you. But what's the point? You might get a pity visit from a
passer-by but you certainly will not have earned any leads or
networking opportunities. Now, walk into that same room with your
shoulders back, your head held high and your eyes scanning the room
making eye contact with as many people as you can. Flash that knowing
smile that says "I'll be over to introduce myself". Your confident
scent has been unleashed in the room and people are noticing. Make
your way around the room and mingle, relate and get the contacts you
came for.
Now, think of every room you walk into as a social networking cocktail
party where you are on the prowl for contacts and opportunities. You
never know where you will meet your next big break. There are unknown
and unexpected opportunities out there that will never present
themselves to the lone ranger standing in the corner wishing they had
the guts to be that person bouncing around "working the room".
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Get a Hobby!
Do you have something to do that doesn't involve a marathon of all the shows you have saved in the Tivo?
My Friend, you need a hobby. Hobbies are what people used to do to fill time between the hours they get home from work in the evenings and the time they go to bed. Now, we are so busy working to make a life that we forget to live.
Doing something that truly interests you and keeps you excited from day to day is what makes you a truly interesting and exciting person. You need to be the kind of person who has people intrigued at a party when your introduces you "And this is my friend Jack, he hosts his own mystery/horror book club" or "This is my friend Sylvia, she restores old useless furniture into posh new peices".
Sometimes finding a hobby you love involves getting up off your butt and kicking your life into high gear. Many people like to stay in their comfort zone and even though changing it up would be pleasant, it makes them uncomfortable in the beginning. People are creatures of habit and sometimes we simply get stuck in a rut. The fact is, change is healthy and a natural part of life. moving from an old routine takes some getting-used-to but in the end you find a newer upgraded version of yourself you never knew was in there.
Personally, I love French cooking. Its not a huge stretch since I am French but I do challenge myself to keep finding new recipes and new ideas every day. I also take walks as often as I can. I find that this gives me time to think and to reflect on my feelings and my day. Not to mention the exercise is invigorating for the body. I love to teach as well, helping people realize their true potential and be the person they want to be is what makes my world go 'round. Writing is my true passion. I love words and the way they affect people for the positive. Writing books is my true hobby.
Some people wonder why they lack passion in their life. It is likely that if they lack passion in life that they are without interesting things to do with their time. Many say "Well, I am too busy for hobbies". I say, that if you are too busy to do things that you love to do then something in your life needs to change. these days so many people are working ridiculous hours or taking on too many responsibilities to make their own lives meaningful. You only get one life my friend, so live it and be an interesting person.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
My radio Talk Show
Monday, August 3, 2009
Unstoppable Confidence Astrid Harris

What to Expect from Unstoppable Confidence:
A Life-changing Workbook
Unstoppable Confidence provides everything you need to succeed. The results can be phenomenal if you take action toward a successful life. Invest in yourself for a change — break through the barriers that have prevented you from achieving your goals.
Here is exactly what you can expect when you go through the six breakthrough steps.
- Unstoppable Confidence does not give you knowledge you cannot use.
- Unstoppable Confidence will not give you "feel good" stuff that leaves you pumped up with nowhere to go afterwards.
- Unstoppable Confidence can last your whole lifetime.
- Unstoppable Confidence will lead you down the path of success.
- Unstoppable Confidence is a "shortcut to success." You will be using a formula that's already been proven to work.
- Unstoppable Confidence is like having your own "personal self-confidence coach."
Your commitment — "I invest in myself for a change to break through the barriers that prevent me from achieving my goal. All I have to do is provide the nerve and the desire to make the leap."
My advice to anyone is pretty simple: Jump in, dedicate yourself and be positive. Unstoppable Confidence will do the rest.
The Choice is Yours!